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Pre-clinical studies

A study examined the effects of oral supplementation with Adenosine-5′-triphosphate (ATP) in rats over a 90-day period. The subchronic administration of ATP was well tolerated, with no significant differences in body weights, feed consumption, or body weight gains between ATP-treated and control rats.

Clinical Studies


>> This excerpt discusses a recent study on PEAK ATP, a pre-workout ingredient known for its effects on energy, muscle fatigue, and power output. The study delves into the cognitive benefits of PEAK ATP, revealing enhanced improvements in focus and reaction time following workouts. The TSI Group President, Larry Kolb, highlights the motivation behind the study—exploring the measurable impact of PEAK ATP on cognitive function, particularly after high-intensity exercise.

The breakdown of the study involves 20 healthy individuals aged 18-40, given either PEAK ATP or a placebo before a rigorous three-minute cycling test. The research measured visuomotor reaction time, multiple object tracking speed, mood, and cognition before and after exercise. The findings indicate that PEAK ATP maintained proactive reaction time and improved reactive reaction time after intense exercise. Moreover, PEAK ATP supplementation reduced errors in a visuomotor task and suggested a potential mitigation of exercise-induced cognitive dysfunction.

John A. Rathmacher, PhD, the Director of Clinical Research at TSI Group, notes that these results contribute an additional layer of benefits to PEAK ATP, positioning it in the nootropic space within sports nutrition. PEAK ATP now offers both physical and cognitive advantages, making it a valuable supplement for individuals seeking comprehensive enhancements in their workout and post-exercise cognitive performance.

>> A single dose of PEAK ATP® improved lower-body resistance training performance and energy expenditure.

The aim of this study was to examine the acute impact of PEAK ATP® supplementation on performance and physiological responses during resistance exercise in men who engage in recreational training. In a randomized and double-blind trial, 11 male subjects who were trained in exercise received either a 400 mg dose of PEAK ATP® or a placebo supplement. Each participant underwent three experimental sessions where they performed sets of half-squats until they reached the point of muscular failure (fatigue). The administration of a single dose of PEAK ATP® supplementation resulted in an improvement in the number of repetitions performed, as well as an increase in oxygen consumption and energy expenditure during the exercise. This study indicates that taking PEAK ATP® as a supplement before a demanding, high-volume lower body training session can enhance lifting performance.

>> PEAK ATP® increased participants’ post-exercise ATP levels, muscle excitability, and sprint performance following a repeated sprint bout

In a randomized, double-blind, and placebo-controlled study, a total of 42 healthy men who were trained in exercise received either 400 mg of PEAK ATP® or a placebo for a duration of two weeks. Prior to and after the supplementation period, the participants underwent a repeated sprint exercise test. Muscle activation, excitability, and power were measured during the sprinting activity. The results showed that oral supplementation of PEAK ATP® prevented the decline of ATP and its metabolites caused by exercise. Furthermore, PEAK ATP® supplementation improved peak power and muscular excitability. Based on these findings, this study suggests that incorporating PEAK ATP® supplementation could be advantageous for sports that involve repeated high-intensity sprinting activities.

>> PEAK ATP® significantly increased vasodilation and blood flow after exercise

A group of twelve male subjects, all college-aged and trained in resistance exercise, participated in this study. They were given a daily dosage of 400 mg of PEAK ATP®, either before their breakfast or 30 minutes prior to exercising. Ultrasound measurements were taken to assess vasodilation and blood flow in the brachial artery. These measurements were obtained before exercise, as well as at 0, 3, and 6 minutes after completing acute arm exercise consisting of 30 sets of 20 contractions at 50% of their one-repetition maximum (1-RM). The results of this study indicate that PEAK ATP® has the capacity to enhance muscle blood flow during and/or after exercise. This improvement in blood flow could potentially facilitate the transportation of oxygen and nutrients to the muscles, while aiding in the removal of waste products from the muscle tissue.


>> PEAK ATP® supplementation effectively doubles muscular performance gains in response to intense training

A study employing a double-blind, placebo-controlled design aimed to examine the impact of PEAK ATP® on various factors such as strength, power, lean body mass, and markers of muscular damage. A total of twenty-one men who were trained in resistance exercise participated in the study and were randomly assigned to either receive a daily dose of 400 mg of PEAK ATP® or a placebo for a duration of 12 weeks. The study consisted of three phases: an initial 8-week resistance-training program, followed by a 2-week phase with increased training volume and frequency leading to over-reaching, and finally a 2-week phase with decreased training volume and frequency. Measurements of muscle mass, strength, and power were taken at baseline, as well as at weeks 4, 8, and 12.

The findings of this study demonstrate the remarkable benefits associated with PEAK ATP® supplementation when combined with high-quality resistance training:

  • Strength was significantly increased, with a 147% improvement compared to the placebo group (PEAK ATP®: 55.3 kg vs. placebo: 22.4 kg).
  • Power was enhanced by 30% in the PEAK ATP® group compared to the placebo group (PEAK ATP®: 796 watts vs. placebo: 614 watts).
  • Lean body mass exhibited a remarkable 100% increase in the PEAK ATP® group compared to the placebo group (PEAK ATP®: 4.0 kg vs. placebo: 2.0 kg).
  • Muscle thickness experienced a substantial 96% increase in the PEAK ATP® group compared to the placebo group (PEAK ATP®: 4.9 mm vs. placebo: 2.5 mm).

These findings underscore the impressive long-term benefits that can be achieved by combining PEAK ATP® supplementation with a high-quality resistance training regimen

>> PEAK ATP® maintained force output and tended to reduce muscle fatigue during exhaustive exercise.

In a human crossover study utilizing a double-blind, placebo-controlled design, the muscle performance-enhancing effects of 400 mg of PEAK ATP® (200 mg twice daily) were examined in healthy and active adults. Sixteen male and female participants were randomly assigned to receive either PEAK ATP® or a placebo for a period of 15 days. Prior to and after each supplementation period, all participants underwent a muscle strength and fatigue test, which involved performing three sets of 50 maximal knee extensions. Following a one-week interval without any supplementation, the groups were switched, meaning those who initially received the placebo were switched to PEAK ATP®, and vice versa. The results of the study demonstrated that PEAK ATP® supplementation had a positive impact on participants’ ability to sustain force output during an exhaustive exercise session and showed a tendency to reduce muscle fatigue.


Ralf Jäger, Martin Purpura, John C. Fuller, Subchronic (90-Day) repeated dose toxicity study of disodium adenosine-5′-triphosphate in rats.

Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology, Volume 116, 2020.

Frietas et al. A single dose of oral ATP supplementation improves performance and physiological response during lower-body resistance exercise in recreational resistance-trained males.

Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 33:3345-3352, 2019.

Purpura M, et al. Oral Adenosine-50-triphosphate (ATP) Administration Increases Postexercise ATP Levels, Muscle Excitability, and Athletic Performance Following a Repeated Sprint Bout.

Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 2017.

Jäger, et al. Oral adenosine-5’-triphosphate (ATP) administration increases blood flow following exercise in animals and humans.

Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition 11:28, 2014.

Wilson JM, et al. Effects of oral adenosine-5’-triphosphate supplementation on athletic performance, skeletal muscle hypertrophy and recovery in resistance-trained men.

Nutrition and Metabolism 10:57, 2013.

Rathmacher JA, et al. Adenosine-5’-triphosphate (ATP) supplementation improves low peak muscle torque and torque fatigue during repeated high-intensity exercise sets.

Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition 9:48, 2012.