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The preworkout supplement market in India has experienced significant growth in recent years. As fitness and bodybuilding culture have gained popularity in the country, there has been an increasing demand for preworkout supplements to support workout performance and energy levels. The market is driven by various factors, including the rising health and fitness consciousness among individuals, the influence of social media and fitness influencers, and the availability of a wide range of preworkout supplement brands and products. Both international and domestic supplement brands have recognized the potential of the Indian market and have introduced their preworkout products to cater to the growing demand. These supplements are available in various forms, such as powders, capsules, and ready-to-drink formats, providing consumers with different options to suit their preferences. The availability of preworkout supplements is not limited to specialized supplement stores or fitness centers. They are widely accessible through e-commerce platforms, retail stores, and even local supplement shops across the country. This has made preworkout supplements more accessible to a larger consumer base.

Adenosine 5-Triphosphate

ATP, which is present in every cell of the human body, serves as the fundamental source of cellular energy for all living organisms. It fuels the essential biological reactions that enable cells to function and support life. Beyond its role in powering cellular processes, ATP also acts as a significant signalling molecule. Cells release ATP to communicate messages to neighboring cells, thus contributing to intercellular communication and coordination.

Energy Currency

ATP molecules store energy within the bonds connecting their phosphate groups. When a phosphate group is removed through a reaction, the stored energy is released, resulting in the formation of adenosine diphosphate (ADP). This energy release amounts to approximately 30.6 kJ/mole. ADP is subsequently regenerated into ATP through a process called phosphorylation, which involves the addition of a phosphate group. Remarkably, each ATP molecule in the human body is recycled approximately 2,000 to 3,000 times within a single day, typically occurring in the mitochondria. Since ATP serves as the primary driver of all biological processes, it plays a crucial role in fueling physical exercise. In fact, during exercise, the demand for ATP surges, increasing up to 1,000 times to meet the body’s heightened energy requirements. This substantial increase in ATP production is essential for sustaining the intensity of exercise, as limitations in ATP turnover can impact high-intensity performance.

Signaling Molecule

Apart from its role in fueling cellular processes, ATP plays a significant role as a signaling molecule. Cells release ATP to communicate messages to neighboring cells, and this ATP signaling was initially observed between nerve cells and muscle tissue. However, it is now understood that ATP signaling operates within and between various cell types throughout the body. This signaling mechanism is particularly crucial in neurotransmission, muscle contraction, and cardiac function. It is worth noting that the timing and localization of ATP release are equally important, as they can enhance multiple physiological and metabolic actions. This emphasizes that not only ATP availability, but also the precise timing and location of ATP, contribute to the potentiation of various physiological and metabolic responses.

Real Energy

The primary constituent found in most energy-promoting products, such as pre-workouts, is caffeine. Although caffeine and other stimulants can enhance focus, alertness, and improve mood, these effects merely create the perception of ‘energy’ and do not offer a sustainable energy source to support performance. In contrast, PEAK ATP® provides genuine energy that aligns with the exact form our bodies utilize to generate movement. While other ingredients may act as precursors to the body’s ATP production, PEAK ATP® directly supplies ATP to the active muscles precisely when the body requires it the most.

What is PeakATP®?

PEAK ATP® is a patented and clinically proven form of Adenosine 5′-Triphosphate (ATP) Disodium, which closely resembles the ATP naturally produced and utilized by the human body. This specialized form of ATP provides functional energy and enhances the role of ATP within the body, especially when combined with exercise. By incorporating PEAK ATP®, individuals can experience increased performance and accomplish more while experiencing reduced fatigue.

mechanism of action

PEAK ATP® serves as a response to the heightened physical requirements of exercise by supplying genuine energy and functioning as a signaling molecule, amplifying the role of ATP within the body and thereby enhancing the functional energy capacity.

PEAK ATP® also supports exercise performance by enhancing:

  • Vasodilation: PEAK ATP® increases blood flow by up to 54%. This supports improved oxygen and nutrient delivery and improved waste removal from the muscle during and after exercise.
  • Calcium metabolism in muscle: ATP is vital and quickly consumed when calcium in muscles is sequestered in preparation for the next round of muscle contraction.

ERK-mTOR pathway: ATP stimulates the signaling pathways that promote protein synthesis and muscle hypertrophy.

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